Square Enix has kept a similar process for the Ephemeral Nodes as when I wrote my last guide “5.4 Ephemeral Nodes”. There are three nodes per MIN & BTN per zone. This also still leverages the previous expansions collectible gathering UI. As stated in my last guide these changes have increased the ease and reduced the time it takes to collect the Aethersands, making it less of a chore and more like any other material gathering. So I am glad to see it return this expansion.
This guide will be updated whenever a patch adds more Aethersands and nodes.
Labryinthos, BTN (8:00AM-12:00PM):

- X: 9.3 Y: 33.2
- X: 8.7 Y: 36.1
- X: 11.6 Y: 35.2
Ewer Clay (Moonlight Aethersand, Wind Cluster, Wind Crystal)
Thavnair, BTN (12:00PM-4:00PM):

- X: 27.0 Y: 14.7
- X:25.4 Y: 12.7
- X: 23.1 Y: 15.5
Palm Chippings (Endwood Aethersand, Fire Cluster, Fire Crystal)
Garlemald, MIN (8:00PM-12:00AM):

- X: 10.9 Y: 16.7
- X: 8.6 Y: 15.6
- X: 10.8 Y: 13.5
Ghostly Umbral Rock (Endstone Aethersand, Lightning Cluster, Lighting Crystal)
Mare Lamentorum, MIN (12:00AM-4:00AM):

- X: 19.9 Y: 34.6
- X: 21.8 Y: 36.2
- X: 23.1 Y: 33.2
Lunar Quartz (Moonlight Aethersand, Earth Cluster, Earth Crystal)

This guide was created by Helgrind with the assistance of Ashford Roland. Thank you for your help in putting this together.