Since patch 5.4 Square Enix changed the way we gather collectibles. This change has also affected how we gather Levinstrike Aethersands, needed for high end crafting recipes. This change may seem annoying at first due to the location change of the Ephemeral Nodes, but is a very welcome change that makes the collecting and aetherial reduction a lot easier to manage.
The first part of the change is with the Ephemeral Nodes. There is no longer just one per area to gather. There are now three and they do not require you to hit normal gathering nodes before it resets. You only need to go one by one to the new Ephemeral Nodes. A new one will appear after one has been harvested. Below you will find a map with all the locations marked for BTN and MIN as well as their exact coordinates in-game.
The second change they did is with the Collectable gathering. When you start to gather on a collectible item. It will now open a new UI window for the collectible gathering. This window looks intimidating, but all the information you need to know about it is provided to you when you click the question mark in the bottom left corner of the screen.
These two changes have increased the ease and reduced the time it takes to collect the aethersands, making it less of a chore and more like any other material gathering.
The Rak’tika Greatwood MIN 12:00 AM:

- X:24,Y:14
- X:20,Y:13
- X:23,Y:10
The Rak’tika Greatwood BTN 4:00 AM:

- X:20,Y:13
- X:23,Y:11
- X:24,Y:15
Lakeland MIN 8:00 AM:

- X:34,Y:29
- X:37,Y:29
- X:35,Y:34
Lakeland BTN 12:00 PM:

- X:30,Y:35
- X:33,Y:36
- X:31,Y:38
Kholusia MIN 4:00 PM:

- X:33,Y:17
- X:35,Y:20
- X:30,Y:19
Kholusia BTN 8:00 PM:

- X:16,Y:9
- X:17,Y:6
- X:21,Y:9
If you have any questions please feel free to reach out to me on discord or through our contact us page.