Hello Everyone,
We wanted to touch base with everyone to update you on the inner workings of the FC. We want to start by thanking you for your patience with us and rank promotions. Due to a handful of things (i.e. The site being down, Helgrind’s move, an influx in IRL responsibilities for all officers…) we have fallen a bit behind on our admin tasks. I am currently conducting an audit of the following items in my free time to resolve this.
Calendar: I will be ensuring that our current events are up to date and accurate. This includes members birthdays who opt-in to our Birthday Goodies program and Buff rotations.
Members: Auditing our member log to ensure we have the correct active members listed and join dates. Once this is completed we will work on promoting our members to the rank reflected by their join date.
I have already completed the audit on the calendar. I hope to have the remaining items all trued up in the next few weeks. Again I want to thank you for your patience with us. If you have any questions please reach out to Helgrind on discord or use our contact us page on the website.