Hello everyone,
I would like to start by thanking everyone who turned out for the free company meeting today on 8/10/20 at 6:15 PM PST. If you were unable to make it we understand IRL stuff comes first. However, if you missed it or want a recap on the meeting. You can find our meeting notes and topics covered below. If you have any questions or concerns in regards to the meeting please reach out to an officer on discord or use our contact us page on the website.
- Website update and feature changes
- Community Rules & procedure changes
- Weekly/Bi-weekly events/content runs
- Buff rotations
- Summary of the need to know for the upcoming patch
- Feedback from members of our community
- Q&A
Feature Overview:
- Rules – there have been changes to our Rules, Procedures & Consequences. Please review and understand the new policies. The community Rules, Procedures & Consequences can be found by navigating to About Us -> Community Rules or by clicking on https://viridianknights.com/rules/
- Posts – We will post all updates for the FC including about the website, staff, events, and more. You can also search for older posts for historical purposes. All posts will update discord under our FC_News Channel with a link to the full article. All posts can be found on our website homepage.
- Guides – We have added a new guide feature to our site Our first guide is covering majority dungeons and raids in the game and is being created by Cuthbert. If you are interested in helping us make guides for the site please reach out to Helgrind on discord or use our contact us page on the site.
- Event submissions – you can submit event ideas for us to run or that you wish to run on our site found by navigating to Calendar -> Event Submissions or by clicking on https://viridianknights.com/event-suggestions/
- Gardening Requests – You can request to use the FC house garden plots to grow what you want through the site. This feature can be found by navigating to FFXIV -> Garden Request or by click on https://viridianknights.com/gardening-request/ (We request that you do not ask for flowers to be grown as they can be grown in a flower pot in your private chamber). The garden is meant to be used for items that require cross-breeding like the Thavnairian Onions. You can request up to 3 unite seeds to be grown with a limit of 12 on each request. You can however request more to be grown after the harvest has been returned to you.
- Donations – All donations go into a separate account for the FC. The money is used to maintain our site and services that we offer (This includes but is not limited to paying for the domain name, Server upkeep, and contracting development/art if required). We also use the money to cover the cost of our MogStation, Game, and time card giveaways for our events. All purchases are made for the FC and all officers and updated when a transaction is taking place and the amount. Donations are not required but are always appreciated. Please do not give if you are not in the position to do so your IRL health and safety will always come first.
Weekly/Biweekly event/content runs
- We took a break for the Summer but are looking for event Ideas, dates/times and help to host weekly/Biweekly events. As well as our monthly/holiday events and giveaways.
- Bring back previous events (.e. Maps, content, raids) Rea Ree needs dates and times that work best for everyone to line up the events. Please DM her your availability on discord.
- Rae Ree will be stepping back as an event coordinator for a while. Due to real work events taking place in the next year; We are looking for more people to assist with coming up with and hosting events for our FC. Rea Ree is offering to train others on what the position entails. Please reach out to her for more information.
Buff Rotations
- Our current buff rotation is Heat of Battle II and rotating Helping Hand II and Earth and Water II except on Friday we have Meat and Mead II available. We will also swap out our current buffs for Back on your feet II and Meat and Mead II upon request for Raids. We ask that you notify us upon completion so we can rotate back to our daily buffs. Our buff rotation is open for change to meet the needs of our members. If you would like a chance to the buff rotation please reach out to Rea Ree or reach out to us on our event suggestion form with more information on what you would want when and why.
- We are trying to craft and cook more Tier 3 buffs. We are looking for donations to help expedite this process of the following items. Electrum Ore, Duskborne Mythrite Sand, Astral Oil, Deepeye Tears (Take 3 days to make) As always Donations are not required but are appreciated. If you can help please put the donations in slot 2 or higher in the FC chest or give them to an officer.
5.3 Patch Summary
The full patch notes can be found on Square Enix’s FFXIV website located at https://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/topics/detail/c2f8c5ba14d9cfaa09d5aab63c5c2da260eae21a
- New MSQ
- New 24-man
- New trial: Complete Ruby weapon
- Weeklies that are gone: Rowena tokens, Copied Factory,
- New Beast Tribes
- ARR has been revamped
- Flying is now a thing in ARR
- New items for map dungeons
- Change in ilvl for level 80 map
- New GC/FC crafting stuff
- Cuth will have new projects
- New mannequins for housing
- New Gold Saucer stuff
- Faux hollows: Shiva (unreal) Level 80, mini-game (Idyllshire). Fox Face, Treasure box, two swords
- Faux hollows mini-game has rewards
- Wonderous Tails rewards have changed.
- WAR: 30-second buff (Nascent Flash)
- GNB: Buff self-heal
- MNK: Form Shift change
- BRD: more potency
- MCH: Hypercharge
- SMN: Tri-disaster nerf
- SCH: Succor less MP
- AST: MP cost has been reduced. Sleeve Draw is guaranteeing Divination.
- Resurrecting will now show an inviolability buff for the duration of your invulnerability serve ticks.
- New Dungeon
- Bonus exp for doing dungeons for the first time (excluding 50/60/70)
- Got rid of random treasure coffer drops
- Get a random piece of gear for clearing dungeons.
- Drago: Hades EX:99
- E5-E8: weeklies removed
- Cracked Stellar clusters to new 24-man
- New coins grant augments via nutsack
- Roulettes are getting updated
- PvP changes
- Crafting recipes
- 480 crafted gear will be augmented to 490
- Tomestone folks in all cities up to SB
- Spiritbonding/Gear breaking has been adjusted.
- Collectible Synthesis is being removed.
- Reset aggro mid-combat.
- Manuals have changed (greater buff and 18hr duration)
Staff Availability
- Helgrind (Officer) – 10:30 AM PST off and on till I am off work at 6:00 PM PST. I am then available until I head to bed. I will always reach and respond to DM when I can as well as all contact us submissions on the site.
- Aji (Officer) – Late at night due to work schedule
- Cuthbert (Officer) – 4:00 AM til 3:00 PM PST on discord only and from 3:00 PM til 9:00 PM ish PST in-game.
- Ash (Officer) – Sunday: 3:00 PM – 12:00 AM PST, Monday-Friday: 6:30 PM – 12:30AM PST, Saturday: 1:00 PM – 7:00 PM PST, 11:00 PM – 4:00 AM PST.
- Rea Ree (Event Coordinator) – Available at all times on discord and in-game mostly on weekends.
- Arc (Gardener) – Always available on discord for DMs. Available in game5:00 PM – 10:00 PM PST on weekdays and anytime on the weekends.

FC Meeting Notes/Summary