Hey guys, Trim here.

I wanted to let you guys to know (if you don’t know already) That the site that we normally used for our custom CAH deck had unfortunately shut down on May 15th due to currently undisclosed reasons.

I found out about this late on the 31st and had found that we had lost our cardpack, which had me scrambling to find out how to recover all of those cards. Fortunately, the site we hosted our cardpack on was able to create a link to see what their severs were able to salvage of our deck.

However we were only able to salvage about half of the original deck, and in that salvage was a lot of repeat cards due to how the servers generated them. So out of 200 white cards and 80 black cards, we were able to get about 86 white cards and 30 black cards. Of course some of the original deck needed to be pruned of some cards anyway, this was still very upsetting for me. I had created the cardpack almost three years ago and had a hand in making custom cards.

There is some good news though. I have recreated the deck from what I had in a new CAH inspired site: All Bad Cards. This is what we will use going forward (unless All Bad Cards has some compatibility with the xyzzy servers) and threw in some new cards so the next time we play it should feel a bit more fresh.

As always if you have any card ideas send me a DM on discord and we’ll go from there. Hope to have some more gut-busting and light-headed induced laughter-filled games with you guys.

Trimack signing off.

Our Cards Against Humanity Custom Deck
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