After some planning and preparation we have finally made some decisions on our weekly events as an FC! Crow (Marvel Watch) will be in charge of running a majority of these events so please let’s remember to be kind and respectful to one another
Monday: Buddy Night – this is a new one we’re trying; you log in and you will group off and run any content you need or want to do Might be a good time to do the Yokai Event 🙂 Wednesday: alternation between Mount Farming & Raid nights. This week will start with Mount Farming
Friday: Map Nights Saturday: Savage Content & Learning* If you have any questions please reach out to either myself or Crow.
**This will be on a trial basis for now. As we want to ensure all members are treating the weekly runs as light hearted as possible to avoid a mass amount of negative content**
If you have any further suggestions for weekly and/or monthly event please feel free to reach out!